Woman or ManCake Decorating Technique WOMAN or MANHanging over the side of the cake DIRECTIONS:Use medium consistency buttercream and tip 1A, hold bag at 90° angle and squeeze out a line of icing for body and a ball of icing for head. Pipe tip 10 arms and legs in a line. Add tip 2 fingers, hair and [...]
Mice - Mouse Basic Decorating Techniques M I C E Cute for Cinderella Cakes! Use tips 1, 3, 101s. With tip 3, with medium pressure, pipe a dot then ease pressure to pull out end. Add tip 101s "petal" ears and tip 1 facial features and tail. ***************
StrawberriesBasic Decorating Technique STRAWBERRIES Practice with tips: 2, 8, 352 Using tip 8, pipe teardrop shape; add tip 352 leaves and tip 2 dot seeds.
LionsCake Decorating Technique LION DIRECTIONS: Pipe tip 10 ball head; add tip 3 dot cheeks, nose, ears. Pipe tip 2 dot mouth, eyes and pull-out mane. Add tip 1 dot eye centers, nose tip and pull-out whiskers. *********
GiraffesCake Decorating Technique GIRAFFE DIRECTIONS:Giraffe - Using tip 10, pipe a line for neck; tuck tip into top and pipe a shorter line for head. Add tip 2 dot spots, ears, eyes, and mouth and pull-out mane. ********
PigsBasic Decorating Techniques Pigs Use tips 2, 8, 12. With tip 12, hold bag at a 90° angle to cake board. Start at rear, squeezing at a medium pressure, move hand forward to form body. With a heavy pressure, allow head to build up. When desired sized is reached, stop pressure and pull bag away. With tip [...]
SomberoBasic Decorating Techniques Sombrero Make sombrero brim: Mix 3/4 pk. of fondant with 2 teaspoons of Gum-Tex; tint light yellow and add ivory to achieve a straw color. Roll out and cut an 8 inch circle; reserve excess fondant. Position circle inside cornstarch-dusted mixing bowl. Immediately imprint fondant with tip 48, pressing close together in vertical [...]
StorkBasic Decorating Technique Stork Practice with tips: 2A, 3, 5, 12 1. For Standing Storks, secure lollipop stick on waxed paper-covered surface with tip 3 dot of royal icing. Using royal icing, pipe tip 12 ball head and tip 2A body. Position 1 in. length of lollipop stick for beak into head. Pipe tip 5 outline pull-out [...]
SheepBasic Decorating Techniques Sheep (standing) Use icing tinted white, black and rose. Pipe tip 12 body, tip 12 head, tip 5 muzzle, tip 1 dot facial features. For standing legs, pipe tip 5 on pretzel sticks. Let dry. Attached to sheep. Tuck tip into sides, pullout lying legs. Add tip 3 hooves, tip 13 zigzag fur. [...]
SheepBasic Decorating Techniques SheepLaying Down Use tips 1, 2, 8, 14, 81. With tip 8, hold bag at a 90° angle to cake board. Start at rear, squeezing at a medium pressure, move hand forward to form body. With a heavy pressure, allow head to build up. When desired sized is reached, stop pressure and pull [...]