Cake Decorating HOW TO FILL A Cake Decorating Bag [...]
Cake Decorating Pressure Control of the Cake Decorating Bag Examples of frosting as piped through a cake decorating bag. In addition [...]
Cake Decorating Techniques DECORATING BAGPOSITION The way your decorations curl, point and lie depends not only on icing consistency but also on the way you hold the bag and the way you move it. Bag positions are described in terms of both angle and direction. Angle refers to the position of the bag relative to the work surface. [...]
Cake Decorating Frosting Consistency If the consistency of your icing is not right, your decorations will not be right either. Just a few drops of liquid can make a great deal of difference in your decorating results. Many factors can affect icing consistency, such as humidity, temperature, ingredients and equipment. You may try using different icing [...]
Flies Frosting Shape FLIES Using stiff royal icing, hold bag at a 90° angle and pipe tip 8 body. Pipe tip 6 head. Hold bag at a 45° angle add tip 6 legs. Add tip 3 eyes and tip 102 pull-out wings. Pipe tip 3 hat. ************
DogsCake Decorating Technique DOGS Practice with tips: 1, 2A, 4, 5, 6, 12 Use Brown and Black Icing Colors. Pipe tip 2A body, tip 12 head, tip 5 muzzle, tip 6 legs, tip 4 ears with tip 1 fur, tip 1 pull-out dot fur, tip 4 tail, tip 1 dot and string facial features. ***********
Untitled Document Whimsical Santa Cake Pattern Page 1 Pattern Page 2 Reprinted with permission from Mailbox News From gorgeous, realistic gumpaste flowers to delightful 3-Dimensional sculptures in buttercream, and everything in between in American Cake Decorating Mailbox News: The Idea Book [...]
TurkeyCake Decorating Technique Turkey (Standing) Practice with tips: 3, 12 With tip 12 pipe center shell shaped feather. Continue to pipe shell shaped feathers on both sides to for a "fan". With tip 12 and heavy pressure, start at base and pipe an inverted shell shaped body. Ease pressure as you move upward. Lift and bring [...]