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Party Articles - Magic Tricks

Magic Sugar Cube


Untitled Document


The magician asks for a volunteer from the audience. 

The volunteer picks a number between 1 and 10. 

The magician writes the number on a sugar cube. 

The magician drops the cube into a cup of water and holds the volunteer's hand over the water.

He/she turns the volunteer's hand over and Poof! the number is on the volunteer's hand.


~a pencil (must be a pencil, pen will NOT work)
~a sugar cube (you can have several for effect)
~a glass of water


Have the volunteer pick a number. 

Write it onto the sugar cube with a pencil (press hard). 

Then, hold the cube between your thumb and one finger. 

Hold it so the number transfers onto your thumb and say," Now I will put this cube into the cup". 

Press the cube as hard as possible so the number is on your thumb. 

Put the cube into the water and hold the volunteer's hand above the water, make sure your thumb is in their palm so the number from your finger transfers onto the volunteer's hand. 

This is a good trick to show smaller kids because they are less likely to figure out the trick.


Magic Toothpick

Untitled Document Effect:  The magician shows a pan full of water with five toothpicks in the shape of a pentagon.  The magician takes his magic toothpick and dips it in the center of the pentagon.  The five toothpicks fly apart, breaking the pentagon! Someone from the audience says... oh, that's just what happens when you do [...]

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Magic Envelope - REALLY COOL

Untitled Document Effect:  The magician asks for a volunteer to write down four numbers on a piece of paper. The magician asks the volunteer to TOTAL up the numbers. The magician opens a sealed envelope and it has the same number as the TOTAL! (or have the magic puppet pull out an envelope and hand [...]

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Coin Trick

Untitled Document Coin Trick Thanks so much to Rita for sending this in!! Effect:  The magician shows a glass, upside down, and a coin on a sheet of colored paper.  He puts a handkerchief over the glass and moves it over.  He pulls the handkerchief off and Abracadabra! the coin has disappeared.  Supplies:  [...]

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Calling Moaning Myrtle From Harry Potter

The Show: Magician: Have one of the guest shuffle a deck of cards as many times as he/she wants. Ask another guest to pick one card and show it to everyone, including you. Announce that you are telephoning Moaning Myrtle at Hogwart where she lives and that Moaning Myrtle will tell what card was selected [...]

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Nearly Headless Nick from Harry Potter

Untitled Document Would you like to turn four pennies into five without attending the Harry Potter's Hogwart School of Witchcraft and Wizardry ? Well, this can't really be done but learn lots of magic tricks that make people think you can! Telephone Moaning Myrtle for help. Simple and fun for kids… using things from around the [...]

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Peeves Finger from Harry Potter

Untitled Document “Robbers broke into Peeves grave and when they opened the coffin, the finger pointed and put a curse on them forever… and that curse is still working.” This is really fun magic that will leave the kids talking about it long after the party is over! The Show: The Magician/Wizard tells everyone [...]

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