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Party Articles - Baby Shower Party Ideas

Timeless Baby Shower


Timeless Baby Showers!
By Anne Cavicchi
Written Exclusively for The PartyWorks.com

Many baby shower traditions and activites come and go in popularity, but others seem to stand the test of time!

Sweet Pea Baby Shower Party Supplies

You can purchase many different party invitations or make your own! The possibilities are endless.
If you are feeling creative, you can make your own -- how about a cutout shaped like a stork, bib, teddy bear or a baby carriage? If you have children, get them to help you color the invitations.

Be sure to include:

Name of Mommy-To-Be
Location (and directions)
Phone number
RSVP information
Where the Mommy-To-Be is registered
Theme of the party (if chosen)
Dress (formal or casual)

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You can find a full range of decorations at thePartyWorks.com
If you are feeling creative, use solid color party ware in pink, blue and yellow.
Balloons -- if you're using helium filled balloons, try using little baby items (rattles, booties, or cloth diapers) as weights. They are then extra gifts for the mom-to-be. You could also use little gifts/prizes for the guests as the weights -- when a guest "wins", they can pick a balloon and gift.

Food and Snacks
The possibilities are really endless. You can have a full lunch menu with finger sandwiches, fresh fruit and vegetables, and pastries.
An appetizer party is also a lot of fun -- prepare them yourself, or have each guest bring along their favorite!

New Kid In Town Cake
There are so many great cake ideas!
Try a crybaby cake, new kid in town cake, baby bundle mini cakes, or one of the many cakes submitted by our readers.

Make a Splash Cake

Games and Activities

Guess Mom's Tummy Size
Have each guest cut a piece of yarn or string to the size they believe would fit perfectly around the Mommy-to-be's tummy. After everyone cuts their string, compare the results to the actual tummy. Give a prize to the woman who is the closest!

Baby Bingo

Guess the baby pictures
Ask each guest to bring one of their baby pictures to the baby shower. Put the pictures on a bulletin board or cardboard and write a number beside each one. If most women don't know each other, just have the pictures of the mother, mother-in-law, sisters, and mommy-to-be. The guests then write down the numbers and their guesses beside each number. The guest with the most correct answers wins.

Words of Wisdom Cards

My Waters Broke

Watch What You Say
While the mommy-to-be is opening her gifts, write down everything she says while she is opening each gift. When she has finished opening all the gifts, tell the guests that you would like to read something to them! Tell them this is what the mommy-to-be said to her man the night she conceived the baby! Then read each little saying from the list! You will have everyone rolling in tears.

Good Night, Little Baby (rename it with the Baby's name)
This game helps to bring the shower to a close so play it when it's time for the guests to leave. Using a very, very long piece of ribbon, ask the Mommy to place a mini baby bottle on the end of the ribbon and begin rolling it up in the ribbon. She continues until all the ribbon is gone and there is one big ball. Ask all the guests to stand and form a circle. The Mommy and the Ribbon Bottle Ball step into the middle of the inner circle.. The ball is handed to one guest who is asked to hold the end of the ribbon. The Mommy begins to unroll the ball as she passes in front of each guest. When the ribbon is finally unrolled and the baby bottle is found, then that guest is the next to be pregnant!

More games can also be found here



TWINS Baby Shower

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Cakes & Recipes

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Gift Ideas

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Thank You Note

THANK YOU NOTE FROM BABY:Compliments of:http://members.tripod.com/~jersgirl/0000mypprintables.html  To the bearer of this note,..A special thanks from.. BABY I'm sorry I couldn't be with youBut I'm terribly busy you see,Painting my eyes, my cheeks, my hair,So mama will be proud of me. I'm sending this little messageTo convey to you this thought,The stork will soon have left meTo use the [...]

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Corsages for the Mommy to Be

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Invitation Poem

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Good Night, Little Baby(rename it with the Baby's name) This game helps to bring the shower to a close so play it when it's time for the guests to leave. Using a very, very long piece of ribbon, ask the Mommy to place a mini baby bottle on the end of the ribbon and begin rolling it [...]

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Heirloom Bonnet

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Been There, Done That!

Been There, Done That!... good fun for the new "grandmothers" that have no longer have baby items at their house. Saves parents from having to pack half their house when they go to visit Grandma and Grandpa!Children can host a surprise shower for their mom, and won't she be surprised!!!!  Relatives and close friends will love [...]

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