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Easter - Chick Hatching-Cracked Egg (made using 3-D Ducky & Egg


Easter Egg Cake


That Cracks Me Up!

This delightul little chick
hatching from a cracked egg...
is made using a 3-D Rubber Ducky cake pan
and a 3-D Egg cake pan.






To make this cake,
the following items are necessary

Rubber Ducky Cakes<br> 2 Pieces - 3-Dimensional<br>Re-Usable Cake, Bread, Krispies Pa 

3-D Rubber Ducky Cake Pan

 Easter Cakes<br> 3-Dimensional Egg Pan Set<br>Re-UsableRe-Usable Egg Cake Pan


Professional Frosting Colors:

Icing Food Color Kits

You'll need:
Lemon Yellow, Golden Yellow,
Orange, Black Icing Colors


Decorating Tips 3, 4, 7, 16, 18, 352

Your favorite Buttercream Icing recipe

Your favorite Roll-Out Cookie Dough

Large Marshmallows

Dowels (for legs)



Cut and bake four tulip-shaped cookies. After cooling, cut bottom off two cookies, angled to fit against cake sides for wings. Ice bottom cookie feet smooth in orange buttercream; let crust.

Mark a chicken face pattern on cake with toothpick, using photo above as a guide or create your own cute chicken face.

Outline shell and cracks with tip 4. Pipe tip 4 whites of eyes (pat smooth with finger dipped in cornstarch); add tip 4 pupils (pat smooth). Pipe tip 7 mound for beak; shape with finger. Pipe tip 3 line across beak. Cover face with tip 16 stars, egg with tip 18 stars.

For legs, cut two dowel rods to 8 in. Using tip 4, cover bottom 3 1/2 in. of each rod with orange buttercream; smooth. Insert uncovered portion of rods into cake, 1 in. up from bottom. Cover tops of feet cookies with tip 18 stars; attach to legs with icing, resting bottom edge against cake board. Position wing cookies against cake sides, propping up with marshmallows.

Beginning at tips, cover wings with tip 352 pull out feathers.

Serves 12.



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