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Coupons R Us


Coupons R US
Ask all the guests to bring a coupon (or two) in a box and gift wrapped. Coupons can be affixed to a package of disposal diapers, baby cereal, etc. if the guest so chooses.
Coupon examples...
For Thee: 3 Hours Babysitting at the Mommy's house
For Thee: Babysitting so Mommy can do her grocery shopping
For Thee: 1 afternoon to do Mommy's errands
For Thee: 1 day of housecleaning
For Thee: 1 day of gardening
For Thee: 1 day of laundry
For Thee: Evening babysitting so Mommy and Daddy can go out on a date
For Thee: 2 Meals cooked and delivered
For Thee: A soft shoulder

Guess Who's In the Kitchen with Dinah?
(...a good "shower-less" idea for church and other organizational groups)

NO shower to attend...
everyone contributes an envelope with a date and time that the meal will be served. Someone acts as the coordinator and puts all the envelopes in a basket, wraps it in cellophane and ties with a ribbon, delivers it to the new parents along with a vase of fresh flowers for the dining room table.
When guests RSVP to participate, assign them a date, asking them to deliver a cooked meal to the mommy, daddy and other children. For an added twist, assign countries, too -- such as Italy, Germany, France, etc. Dinners are probably the easiest assignments.
For example...
A guest assigned a 8:00am time on Saturday (breakfast) can deliver some of these items: fresh coffee, bagels, cream cheese, fruits, donuts, orange juice, scrambled eggs, ham slices, etc. 
A 5:30pm time (dinner) on Thursday delivers a salad (dressing on the side), dinner rolls, casserole, dessert and beverages.
Don't Be Surprised... when
 mommy and daddy tell you 
this was the best gift of all !


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