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Animals - Cow Cake made using an Animal Crackers Cake Pan


Deeply Mooooving...

A Cow Cake
for a 3-dimensional look
that will get your party moooooooooving!

Using An
Animal Crackers Cake Pan
that can also be used to easily create a
Pig, Dog, Monkey, Reindeer, Panda Bear, Cat, Cow & Giraffe



Animal Crackers


Icing Colors:
Leaf Green, Kelly Green, Black


Kandy Clay:
Bubble Gum Light Pink Kandy Clay


Use Your Own Recipes:
Buttercream Frosting

Also need: Lollipop Sticks, Cake Circles, Fanci Foil Wrap and Cornstarch.

Decorating Tips:
18, 3


Create your own "designer" cow or follow these directions:

Bake and cool 1-layer round cake, Animal Crackers cake and 4 mini loaves cakes.

Cut ends of two loaf cakes in a curve and position against round cake for feet. Position Animal Crackers "head" cake on a cake circle, then place on top portion of round cake "body". Cut one of the remaining loaf cakes horizontally in half on top of a whole loaf cake and position under ovrhanging top portion of head cake to support. Pipe in eyes, mouth, nostrils and inside ears with tip 3 (smooth with finger dipped in cornstarch). Cover cow with tip 18 stars (nose and spots first). Knead 2 pieces of Kandy Clay to soften. Shape into horns, insert on lollipop sticks and insert in head.

Serves 56



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