Body Parts Not Just For HalloweenHave the kids sit in a circle in a dimly lit room while you make up a story about a mean, old witch who falls apart, piece by piece. As you talk about each body part, pass around a paper bag lined with a plastic bag, and have the kids [...]
Bobbing For ApplesThis is more a summer activity, unless you have a great indoor floor area that you don't mind a little mess! This traditional autumn activity is a quick cooler in summer. Just clean out an old-fashioned washtub or a plastic wastebasket (the wider the better), fill it with water and several apples, then [...]
Fill It Up Race... Materials1 judge, 1 race starter, 1 bucket of water (you can use food coloring to change the water color... best if done outdoors), 2 see-through plastic cups, 2 halves of an eggshell (good idea to have a few extra...) Directions Create a short straight or curved race course. Divide the guests into two [...]