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Thanksgiving - Hunt Quietly


Hunt quietly...
you don't want to scare the turkeys!

Before the party:
Using Index Cards, draw or paste a picture of a turkey onto each one.
This is an ideal project for children -- they can find and cut-out turkeys
from magazines to glue onto index cards or they can draw and color the turkeys.

To play:
Chose a Leader
 Everyone left are now the Hunters.
 to leave the room except the Leader.
The Leader hides the index cards around the room.
When all the cards have been hidden, ask Hunters to come back into the room.
The hunt begins!
As each turkey is found, it is brought back to the Leader
who places them in a separate piles for each of the Hunters.

When all the turkeys have been found,
the Hunter with the most turkeys is the winner and
becomes the Leader for the next round of play.




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