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Teenage and Adult


Ideas More on the Traditional Side...

While many of these ideas are workable and fun,
we suggest reading through them in a
brainstorming mode to create
the best of the best of all hunts -- YOURS!




Teenagers and Adults



Backwards Hunt!
Give each child the same number of eggs in a basket and tell them they are
to hide all of the eggs but they must walk backwards!
When all the eggs are hidden, blindfold each child and tell them to find their eggs.


If you live on a farm, you've probably already done this one but if you live in the city, try to find hay that has been baled. When you get it home, remove the ties and pile the hay up, hiding eggs or prizes as you go. The kids will have great fun diving into the hay, crawling around on it, tossing it in the air... all while trying to find the good stuff! The kids will love this one!
Make this even more fun by blindfolding the kids.


Two Teams For Fun!
Split the children into two teams. Give each child several eggs to hide.
Team One will hide all the eggs in the frontyard while Team Two
hides all their eggs in the backyard. Provide adult supervision
to ensure the teams are not spying on each other.
When all the eggs are hidden, then Team One tries to find
the eggs hidden by Team Two and Team Two tries to find
the eggs hidden by Team One.
First team to find all the eggs is the winner.
(Reminder to count the eggs before they are hidden)
The kids will hide the eggs better than you can believe...
and they will have a fabulous time trying to fool their friends on th other team!


Trick -or- Treat?
Fill plastic eggs with the word "TREAT" in some and the word "TRICK" in others.
In the trick ones, write down a trick on back of the paper.

An example: 'You must put on a bib and eat baby food'
'Pretend you are a hen laying an egg', etc.

Provide a large basket full treats (candy, Dollar store trinkets, etc.)
The children who receive an egg with treat in it get to choose a treat.
The other children will have to perform their trick to get their treat.
Ensure you have thoroughly thought out all of the tricks and are
prepared with the correct supplies for the tricks.
This way an easter egg hunt is turned into a game also.

Big Kids Stuff
Inside plastic eggs, put in slips of papers for a free item. Some ideas are
coupons for a haircut, movie, fast food meal, pair of shoes, 5 gallons of gasoline,
video rental, ice cream cone, etc.




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