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Snow Fun - Tic, Tac, Toe


Tic, Tac, Toe
in the 

If you know how to play
Tic, Tac, Toe....
then play it on the snow.

Here's how to play:

Using the back of a shovel
or a piece of heavy cardboard, smooth a place in the snow and draw in the lines of a Tic, Tac, Toe Square game board.

Two players per game.

Each player takes turns.

The first one stands in a square of their chosing.

The second player selects a square and stands in it.

The first player than hops to a square they select and
the game contines untill their is a winner or it is a stalemate.

As players hop to another square, their footprint is left behind
and becomes their mark.



When the game is over, simply use the back of the shovel or a heavy piece of cardboard
to make another game board.



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