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Holiday Shoes!
The shoes are made from three pieces: the sole (approximately five inches long), the heel and the top (upper) of the shoe. The sole can be made from the inside of the card that has the wording, while the upper and heel are made from the greeting card pictures. Staple them together (or sew with yarn by making holes around the edges) and fill with truffles, candies, bath oil beads, marbles, stamps or other small items. Wrap the "shoe" up with a large sheet of colored cellophane and gather at the top and tie with a bow. Attach a gift card and small spray of flowers as decorations. 

Gift Tags
Cut them into strips, bend them in half, punch a hole on one end and write on the inside. You can print "TO" and "FROM" if you desire.

Greeting Cards, Holiday Cards, Thank You Notes and Scratch Paper

Select scenes of snowmen or angels and scan them onto your computer. Scan photos of your children and other family member "faces" and insert these photos for the faces of the angels, snowmen, etc. Great for WebPages, scrap booking and greeting cards.

Glue scenes or cut-outs of figures to red, green or gold cardstock about ¼ of an inch larger than the card and use the backside of the cardstock as an address area. 

Cut out pictures and put pieces of cotton behind each picture before pasting onto card stock or lightweight poster board to create a 3-Dimensional effect.

Postcards: Cut out characters or the front of each card, glue on to colored construction paper or lightweight cardstock; decorate with glue and sparkle glitter that looks like snow; use fancy scissor designs or pinking shears to cut around the edges. Use the back for your message. These can be laminated.

Cut the card in half and glue the picture of the front on to a piece of construction paper or lightweight card stock, then fold in half and trim around the edges of the picture to give you the makings of another 'brand new" greeting card. On the inside, you can write your own poems or sentiment. 

Cut the front of the whole card and fold into "pleats". Gather the pleats at the bottom of the card and staple. Add ribbon, dried flowers, bows, etc. and attach a small tag with your "thank you" or sentiments.

Re-Use exactly as you received your holiday card. Leave the signature of the person who sent you the card but send it to someone new, along with a note about the friendship you share with the person who sent you the card originally. 

Holiday Seals for your envelopes: Using small holiday cookie cutter shapes or bottle caps, use as a stencil and trace right onto figures and/or scenes. Use decorative scissors to cut the shapes out, then paste all of the shapes face up onto holiday colored tissue papers (use glue sparingly). Ensure the shapes have about a ½-inch of space between them. Again, using same decorative scissors, cut around each object leaving about 1/8 inches to ¼ inches of the tissue paper showing. When you address the envelopes of your own holiday cards, use a glue stick to cover the entire back of the tissue paper. Place your "designer" seals on the back of the outgoing holiday card envelopes. This idea is not only simple, but really dresses up your envelopes to make the receivers feel very special!
Cut figures or scenes to write, "I love you" or "Have a Special Day Today" and put in school box lunches.

Cut the fronts of all the greeting cards and stack next to your phone or on your desk to take the place of Index Cards or scratch paper.

Greeting Card Box
Decorate a box with holiday cards to hold next year's cards.

To make your own box from cards, use a single hole punch, punch holes along the sides and bottom of cards. Use five cards for the sides and a piece of cardboard for the base of the box. The bottom piece will have to be cut to fit after the five cards have been put together. Use bright yard and a large-size crochet hook (I) or similar, and simply crochet the cards together using a single crochet stitch. When finished with the five sides, cut the cardboard bottom to fit and crochet it to the five cards. You can also crochet the top edges to make it look uniform.

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