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Icing Consistency


Here are some tips on
Icing Consistency

If the consistency of your decorating ising isn't just right, you decorations won't be right either. Just a few drops of liquid will make a big difference in your results.

Stiff Icing

Holds a 3/ in. peak on the spatula. Use it for flowers with upright petals. If icing is not stiff enough, petals will droop.

Medium Icing

Is used for flowers with flat petals and for borders. When the icing is too stiff or too thin, you can't get the uniform designs that characterize a perfect border.

Thin Icing

Thin icingis used for writing, stems, leaves and for frosting a cake.

Presure Control

The size and uniformity of your icing design are affected by the amount of presure you apply to the bag and the steadyness of the pressure, i.e., how you squeeze and relax your grip ont eh decorating bag. Your goal is to learn to apply pressure so consistently that you can move the bag in a free and easy glide while just he right amount of icing flows through the tip. Use the back of a cookie sheet lined with wax paper or aluminum and practice... practice makes perfect!


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