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Halloween Scavenger Hunt


Another original free party plan
written exclusively for
September 23, 2009

Scavenger Hunts

List Ideas Included....


Let all your guests show off your costumes
by hosting a Halloween Scavenger Hunt in your neighborhood. 

For smaller children, a backyard scavenger hunt is safer and lots of fun. 

Scavenger Hunts are fun party activities that gets everyone into the mood. 
Create teams and remember to place shy people with outgoing people
so everyone has a good time. 

By the time everyone returns to the house,
the party has already started!

While list ideas are included in this article,
you can easily create your own Scavenger Hunt
lists.  Select a theme with all items related to that

Divide the guests into as many teams as you'd like.  Each team should have a minimum of two players, it is more fun and safer if you are roaming around in a neighborhood.  Include both outgoing and shy people together on teams so everyone has a good time.  Let the tems select a name, such as "Bones", "Pumpkin Heads", Witches Brooms", "The Spiders".  

Hunt Location
For adults and teenagers, even pre-teens, the neighborhood is a great place for hunts..  Depending on the ages of the kids, be sure that adults supervise and go along with each team, although they are not players.  Let the neighbors enjoy the activities, too, by letting them know a few days prior to the party that your guests will be scattered throughout the neighborhood and knocking on their doors.  Some neighbors may want to get in the mood and decorate and will have tim to do so.  

Time of the Hunt
For younger kids, whether it is a backyard hunt or a supervised hunt in the neighborhood, afternoons really are the best.  The kids are not overly tired and can still go Trick or Treating with their parents that night.  If the hunt will be conductred at night, suggest or supply flashlights... for a ghoulishly fun time.  If your budget can afford supplying flashlights,m check with your local Dollar Store or discount store for Halloween themed inexpensive flashlights and ensure the batteries work.

Gathering the Hunt Loot
Provide each guest with a bag, whether it is a grocery bag or a special decorated party bag.  Review your list and decide the size of the bag needed.  If you want to pre-assign the teams, guests name and team name can be written on the bags prior to the party.

Photo Opportunities as a part of the Hunt List
If your budget can afford giving each team a disposable camera, add this to your Scavenger Hunt List.  This is a great way to get photos of the guests in action!  The addition of the camera allows you to add 'big' things to your list... the team does NOT have to bring the item back, just take a photo of it.

Set a Time Limit
Usually an hour is plenty of team for teams to have knockedi on a lot of doors but you decide for yourself.  Let the teams know what time they have to be back at the party.

Gather everyone in the same room and ask the members of each team to sit together.  Read off each item on the list and let the team members show the items like a "show and tell".  Have someone keep score or let the teams keep their own score on the honor system.  Give out prizes for the winning team ensuring each member of the team gets something.  The prizes can be as simple as orange ribbons (award ribbons) that are made prior to the party.

The Hunt is Over
Start the music and let the party begin.

Scavenger Hunt
List Ideas
(older kids and adults)

Apple Core
A neighbor dressed in a costume (NOT a party guest)
Acorn candies
Spider Web (fake or real)
Napkin with a Halloween theme
Ad or article in a newspaper with Halloween theme
Toilet Paper
Safety Pin
Dead Flowers
Deck of cards
Orange streamer
Black balloon
Orange or banana peel
Yellow Jelly Bean

If you are providing disposable cameras,
ask that each guest has their photo taken in action,
that someone take a photo of the whole team, etc.

For Halloween party games, food and more,
check out ThePartyWorks.com for more ideas.

BOOOOOOO to you!




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