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Frosting... Let's Make Frosting


Let's Make.... 

I have numerous batches of frosting over the years but never with my grandchilden, 
so who said it was too late to start now?  
This turned out to be a fun recipe, great for kids and grandchildren with parent's help.  
If your children have friends help them, can you imagine them telling their parents 
they made.... FROSTING?  

How fun is that?

This would be a great activity for Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, 
Brownies, Cub Scouts, Campfire Girls, YMCA and other youth groups, too.

Read the recipe out loud and let the kids get all the ingredients, 
measuring spoons, etc.

1/2 margarine or butter
5 cups powdered sugar (confectioners sugar)
1/8 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoon milk
1-1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Place margarine or butter in a large mixing bowl.  Slowly or separately add powdered sugar, using a electric mixer and mixing each time.  (careful not to put in to much powdered sugar at the same time because you will be wearing it...)

Add salt to th powdered sugar mixture, blend well with mixer.

Add milk and vanilla extract, blend well with mixer, scraping sides of the bowl as you ble nd the mixture.

When all ingredients are mixed until smooth, the frosting is ready to use.

That's it, frosting done.




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