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Fill It Up Race...


Fill It Up Race...

1 judge, 1 race starter, 1 bucket of water (you can use food coloring to change the water color... best if done outdoors), 2 see-through plastic cups, 2 halves of an eggshell (good idea to have a few extra...)

Create a short straight or curved race course. Divide the guests into two teams and have them stand in a straight line behind the starting line. Make sure the judge is at the finish line. Hand the first person on each team the half of an eggshell. They need to dip the eggshell into the bucket of water and then run it down to the other side and pour it into their cup. They then run back and had the shell to the next person and that person then fills the egg shell and runs and pours it into the cup and runs back. The process continues until the cup is filled. The first person to fill the cup or fill it to a fill line WINS!


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