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Duck Duck Goose


This is a popular pre-school game because it is easy and has lots of actions. All of the players sit cross-legged in a wide circle --- they are the ducks. One child is chosen to be "It" -- he or she is the Fox. The Fox walks slowly around the outside of the circle, tapping the top of each Duck's head lightly while saying "Duck" with each tap. After a few moments of tapping kids, the Fox chooses a Goose by tapping one player's head and calling out loud "Goose!" The Goose must quickly rise and chase the Fox around the circle trying to tag him/her before the Fox reaches the spot where the Goose was sitting. If the Fox reaches the spot and sits down before being tagged, he/she is safe and the Goose becomes the new Fox. Play until everyone is tired or set a time limit.


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