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Dolphin Cakes


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Here is a relatively simple dolphin cake I created for my daughter\\\'s 6th birthday. The kids happily ate the tails and flippers, but nobody wanted me to cut into the dolphin\\\'s head!
I used two new terra-cotta flower pots, a large and a small, lined with aluminum foil and then greased and floured, for the head. I used a heart-shaped pan for what became the flippers and tail. For the cake, I used two boxes of ordinary yellow cake mix, normal box recipe. The large flower pot cake took about twenty minutes longer in the oven (60 minutes) than the heart pan and small flower pot (40 mins.).  After cooling, the flower pot cakes were leveled, then stacked and held together with buttercream and two embedded chopsticks. I carved off a bit of excess cake with a knife to shape the head and "beak".
An upside-down heart was originally intended to be just  the tail, but the cake cracked when I tried to angle it upwards, so I cut the heart in half for flippers, which are anchored along the edge of an extra-large cake pan, (visible through the blue cellophane "water"). The remaining wedges from the heart were set on end and used in a separate pan for the tail. Since the party was not at our house, using an extra large sheet cake pan worked really well for transporting the cake. The mouth, eyes, and blowhole are done with black frosting that comes in an aerosol-type can.
Thanks for letting me share my photos,
Rachel Stock


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