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Broom Groom and More


The Broom Groom is Dancing with Momma
Wedding memories

How many people at the Baby Shower were at Momma’s and Papa’s wedding when the baby wasn’t even a twinkle in their eyes?  Then you’ll enjoy this game of memories.

While watching a Swiffer Duster commercial on television a few years back, it occurred to me that the broom could be dressed up and used for many party games.  Here is one of them that the guests seem to enjoy.  A hint:  Start the game off with the first few guests that have outgoing personalities to encourage others to be funny.

Before the baby shower, purchase a new broom and the accessories to dress the broom as the ‘groom’.  Turn the broom upside down and add eyes, mouth, eyebrows, cheeks, glasses, etc to the straw bristles, then add the tuxedo (shirt, bow tie, jacket, whatever you wish… be as simple or as elaborate as you desire.  Sometime during the baby shower, ask the guests to stand and form a circle because the ‘groom’ from long ago is ready to dance with his bride.  The mother-to-be is given the “groom” and dances with him to music (if you can obtain a copy of the couple’s song, that will enhance the game).  When the music stops, the bridge introduces her groom to one of the guests, the music starts and the guest and broom groom dance together… change the music each time so that there is a variety of slow, fast, jazz, rock n’ roll, disco, etc.  The dances continue until each guest has danced with the broom groom.  No one knows, but the last person dancing with the broom groom is the winner.  A variation is voting on the best, funniest, worst, etc. dancers, asking the winners to repeat their dance and award each winner with a prize.  The broom groom is then waltzed over to the mommy-to-be to take home with her to remember her wedding dance.

Purse Scavenger Hunt
Never know what you are going to find in a ladies purse
Without ever leaving the house, this scavenger hunt is played indoors without guests leaving their seats.  Before the baby shower, prepare a Scavenger Hunt List to include items that could be found in a ladies purse.  Examples include:  safety pin; lipstick, drivers license, diaper, baby wipes, tape measure, curling
iron, bib, grocery store receipt, grocery store list, credit card, hand lotion, paper clip, photo of husband, photo of kids, etc.  Remember that some of the guests may be older and not have small children so tailor the list according to your guest list.  Guests keep track of their own Hunt List, marking what they have and pulling those objects out of their purse.  The person with the most objects is the winner.

How High Can You Go?
A chair game… 
This game is very funny so hopefully someone is taking pictures.  This game is not for pregnant ladies or anyone that is not in good health.    The object of the game is to see how many guests can fit on one chair.  This is done by asking questions and if a guests answers ‘yes’, they each move over one seat to the right.  If they answer ‘no’, the guest remains in place.  To start the game, put chairs in a circle with he backs of the chairs facing the center of the circle.  A question is asked individually of each guest.  Create your own list of questions and here is a few to get you started:  Did you make lunch for your husband before you left today?  Have you been married for 10 years or more?  Do you have children?  Did you have a love making session sometime in the last week?  Did you do the dishes before you came to the baby shower?  Does your husband change diapers?  Guest move if they answer “YES”, and stay in their chair if they answer “NO”.  After your list of questions, perhaps 10, based on how the guests are reacting to the game, the chair with the most people are the winners.  Remember to have multiple prizes.  It is perfectly acceptable for the guests in one chair to change the order so that the strongest guest is seated on the chair, then lighter weighing guests become the stackables.  Remember to look and ensure everyone is playing the game safely. 

Never know how much stuff is in a ladies purse
A very simple game that can be played while the mommy-to-be opens her gifts.  Place a bathroom scale in a location  close to guests and avoid moving the scale while the game is being played.  Each guest takes a turn by placing her purse on the scale.  Someone keeps tabs of everyone’s purse weight as the purses are weighed individually.  There can be multiple winners by awarding prizes for the heaviest purse, the lightest purse, a really stuffed purse, etc.

Baby Kitchen Stuff Guesses
Squeezing and mashing is allowed

Prior to the baby shower,  provide brown paper bags (lunch size), stuff from the kitchen that is baby related, and a sheet of paper that have numbers on them (the number of brown bags being used in the game).  Some baby related item examples include:  jar of baby food, box of baby cereal, bib, dish cloth, baby spoon, etc.  Create up to about 15 to 20 bags. Write a number using bold felt pen to correlate to the list.  If you have 15 bags, then the list given to each player reads:  #1, #2, #3, up to #15 leaving a place for players  to write the guess.   Place one baby item inside the bag, fold down the top and staple – the bags can be decorated with ribbons, etc.  To start the game, hand one bag to the first guest, she or he has 30 seconds to guess what he object is, then passes the bag to the next person and writes her guess on her score sheet.  Timing of 30 seconds for each guess is important or the game will drag on and everyone will be bored.  When everyone has made their guess and the bag comes back to the Hostess, she opens the bag and shows everyone wha was in the bag.  Guests mark their Score Sheet if her guess is correct.  The next bag is passed and each player has 30 seconds to guess what is inside the bag, pass it to next player, then write her answer down on her Score Sheet.  Game continues until all bags have been passed around.  Person with the most correct guesses wins.  There can be a runner up prize if you desire.  Reminder to keep the game moving fast!!!!  Makes it harder to guess.


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