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Backyard Shelters



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Backyard Shelters

Every youngster yearns for his own little hideaway... some nook or corner where he/she can be "king/queen", or hold secret club meetings and so on.

The structures pictured here require nothing more than some old bedspreads, blankets, shower curtains, sheets, tablecloth, tarp and a few handy trees, fence or clothesline posts - or even the clothesline itself.

You can use string or rope to hold it in place.  If mom doesn't mind, you can cut window openings, binding them with tape for firmer edges.  To add club name or designs, pin on felt or paper cutouts; or, if permitted, use a felt tip pen  or paint for lettering.

To make your shelters comfy, make a quick cot by folding a blanket over to 18" wide; then fold end over end to make a pillow for your head.  For chairs, you can use cartons, logs or rocks.  If you don't have any of these items... make sit-upons by stacking several folded newspapers to desired thickness.  Cover them with plastic, taped on.

With some books or games to pass the time, and a supply of food (courtesy of Mom), you're all set for a lazy, happy summer day!


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