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A Touching Easter Egg Hunt


Make It Your Story!

If there is a nursing home or convalescent center near you,

think about holding your hunt on the lawn outside the building

(be sure to request permission ahead of time).

This is a great hunt for toddlers and pre-school children.


One reader wrote this to us:

The patients helped and/or watched the staff and parents hide the eggs.
When it came time for the little ones to search for the eggs,
we saw excitement in some of the frail, elderly patients
as they watched the hunt from their windows.
Some of the wheelchair-bound sat by their windows
and poked on the glass attempting to help the little ones
find their treasures hidden on the windowsills or in the grass near them.
The children had great fun but it was all of us
that watched the smiles on the faces of the patients
that warmed our hearts!



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