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Back to School PARTY

Celbrate the return to school with a party! How about a crayon cake to greet the kids when they come home on their first day of school?





How about these cute plastic rings that look like a box of Crayolas. Decorate cupcakes and cookies, perfect for school classroom parties.


Pre-school Scavenger Hunt
A simple game to sharpen your child's observation skills, as well as improve reading. Write the alphabet in list form onto a sheet of paper. Have your child wander throughout the house Looking for items that match the letters. Can they find all 26? Older children can write them down. Youngsters will need you to follow so that they can show you their finds.
*Try choosing several letters at bedtime to use as you walk to the bedroom.
Compliments of: Kit Bennett

More Great Hunts!


Hello, This is Mary Ann from ThePartyWorks.com and I am seeking colored photos of DECORATED cookies for our Cookie Scrapbook, DECORATED cakes for our Cake Scrapbook, DECORATED cupcakes for our Cupcake Scrapbook, and pies of all kinds for our Pie Scrapbook. If you wish to share your creative works, please send to Maryann


More Fun!

Give children a planned fun event to look forward to or just simply surprise them when they come home from school with an "Anyday Party".

Check out more party ideas!


How about a party with your friends while the kids are at school! We've got the stuff to help make it spectacular!




Use Solid Color party goods! Great for any occasion! Try School Bus Yellow for an after school party!





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